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Old 28th January 2022, 20:30
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No idea what went on guys, have not made any changes to the forum.

A 'blip' I think is the technical term

Last edited by JG; 28th January 2022 at 20:30.. Reason: couldn't spell
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Old 28th January 2022, 22:02
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JG - Thanks John.

Thankfully, here is something I prepared in Word earlier...

Originally Posted by Mister Towed View Post
…Prepare for lots of cyclists who end up crushed under the back wheels of vans and HGV's because the drivers can't see the cyclist exercising their right to undertake them at junctions…
Originally Posted by Mister Towed View Post
At least they'll go to their deaths with the smug satisfaction that they were in the right.
Mr T – Please read this question as if it is written as politely as possible.
(Which is certainly my intention.)

How many cyclists have been killed by motorists while doing nothing wrong and merely exercising their right to ride on road?

I’ve ridden bicycles & motorcycles, plus driven cars and vans up to tail lift size.
(Sorry no tanks, but, like Kon, I loved your driving test story.)

While cycling, I’ve never undertaken any moving vehicle indicating left in front of me, why would I?

But that is not the same as saying I haven’t had something turn immediately in front of me, requiring me to take evasive action to avoid injury or worse. Either because someone on my side of the road has come from behind and attempted to overtake me and turn left in a single manoeuvre, or someone on the other side of the road has just turned right because there are no cars coming towards them and they aren’t even looking for two wheels. In both cases the vehicle has moved into my space, not the other way around.

Don’t get me wrong, there are idiot cyclists, just the same as there are idiot car drivers.

Similarly, I am not saying the new rules are perfect, or whether they make things better or worse.

However, this thread does appear to be missing the point.

Originally Posted by Lucky@LeMans View Post
Hence the bias towards cyclists priority.
It is not about bias towards pedestrians/cyclists, it is bias towards vulnerable road users.

Honestly, no lorry driver has been killed when a cyclist has hit their HGV.

”Let’s be careful out there.”

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 28th January 2022, 22:03
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OK, that didn't post at the first attempt.

But I could edit the post and add back the missing bits.
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Old 29th January 2022, 08:54
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Hi Paul, no offence taken as my intention with starting this thread was to open up a debate.

I agree with what you're saying: the law is indeed intended to protect the most vulnerable road users from those who can cause them harm, I just suspect that there will be a significant number of vulnerable road users who take their own meaning from the new rules and put themselves in harm's way out of misguided righteousness.

I also agree with you about the majority of cyclists acting responsibly, but again, there will be a minority who interpret and act on the new rules in a way which will put them at higher risk of harm than they already were.

I already look out for vulnerable road users and where I live, these new rules should be fairly easy to comply with as it's mostly empty rural roads and small Towns. We do get a lot of motorcyclists heading for the coast and I have to say that about 75% of those ride like they have a death wish.

On one occasion I was cruising along at the speed limit on a single carriageway road towards Snetterton when a bike came up fast in my rear three three quarters and was clearly aiming to go through the miniscule gap between me and the line of cars heading towards us. I moved over to the left to let him pass and almost hit another bike that I hadn't seen who was aiming to overtake me on the inside at high speed. How he shook his little fist at me for driving so irresponsibly.

We also get quite a few horses on the roads, which I've never really understood as there are plenty of fields and bridleways that they could ride on instead. I personally wouldn't want to be riding a vehicle that has a mind of its own and no brakes on the road, but I guess they're sort of trialling fully autonomous vehicles before the rest of us are forced into them.

In bigger Towns and Cities, however, these new rules are going to be very difficult to comply with and I do believe they will lead to more pedestrian and cyclist casualties, not less.
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Old 29th January 2022, 11:42
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Mr T - Unfortunately, I think idiots will remain idiots, whatever the rules are.

I've just come back from the shops and could fill this thread with mulitple examples of poor driving from just a couple of hours on the road today!

Overall, I'd just prefer the (general) debate to start with an acknowledgement that too many vulnerable road users are getting killed through no fault of their own.

As the exceptions will always be the exceptions.

For me, there will be zero change in the way I ride my push bike around London, as I've always ridden defensively, utilising my experience from riding motorbikes and driving cars. Hell, I even stop at red lights!

Take care, Paul.
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