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Old 18th November 2021, 09:15
NeilF355 NeilF355 is offline
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I've seen a statement from the FBHVC (Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs) who have been in consultation with the DfT regarding the consultation document
It states:-
"The Federation has received a detailed written response from the DfT, who have given assurances that they do not intend their proposals to prevent legitimate motorsport activities, prevent restoration, repairs or legitimate improvements to vehicles, such as classic cars or motorbikes or to negatively impact businesses involved in these activities."
Additionally :-
"They also confirmed older vehicles will not be expected to comply with new type approval standards."

All of which is much more encouraging but we will have to wait and see what the actual proposed regulations state.

All this does make me wonder if the originators of these consultation documents
A) have much idea about the subjects they are regulating
B) are just being lazy and relying on the replies during the consultation phase to highlight any problems
C) are seeing how far they can push the envelope of the regulations to make them as far reaching as they can.
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