Electric roof stopped working - check this first
Are the brake lights working?
If not, it could just be the brake light switch behind the pedal that needs fixing.,
This would mean you don't need to spend bloody hours checking...
...the micro switch in the hood mechanism on the left side by the passengers ear...
...or checking the pump itself is still working by running a couple of wires from the battery to the two pins and listening for whirring...
...or checking the connectivity to earth fior every wire you can find...
...or cutting out and replacing any of the wires that look cracked or worn...
...or ordering and waiting for two purple relays** because you have traced power as far as them but can't easily check if they are working on your own...
...or swearing profusely as you trap you fingers in the roof, for the thrid time, after turning the screw with a T head anti-clockwise to allow the roof to lower and raise manually.
No, definitely best to check the brake light switch before doing any of that. Please don't ask me how I know.
**I have two spare purple relays if anyone wants them Fitted once but never used.