pinto engine help please!
Hi I have just re-build a pinto engine and after trying to start, I discovered a problem with ignition system.
After repairing the dissy I was turning the engine over to find the ignition stroke on No.1 with my finger and discovered that I had no compression at all. Put the compression tester in and still zero compression on No.1.
Took the cam cover off and found that there is a load of white and red gunk all over. Possibly the red bits been from rust and maybe white from oil and water? Smells a little of fuel but might not be. Does fuel and water go white?
Took the sump off and it’s again full of white oily stuff. Checked the head and it seems fine. Values seem to fit in their seats perfectly well. Head gasket seems fine too, no damage.
Just had the value seats recut for unleaded, although I don't think they could have damaged anything that could break into an oil stream?
It could have been possible that some water got down the oil down pipe whilst installing the head although It seems allot more than a bit. In the sump I found at least a cup full of standing water or fuel with the white oil sitting on top of it.
Poured some water into the bores to see if it was the rings, tried turning the crank over a little to see if it slips down although it didn't. Would you get some compression at all if the head gasket was leaking? Baring in mind never been started just turned over (a lot though).
Don't know what else to try. Scared of just putting it all back together and it doing it again. Really need to find out why. Can valves stick open slightly? Just don't understand the compression lost.
This engine has been skimmed quite a bit on the head for high compression. Was bought built for race spec. When I first put it together I had compression.
Also I might have really badly flooded the engine. Was desperate to start it. Didn't realise we had ignition problems. Not sure what impact this could have.
Any help would be fantastic. Thanks in advance.