IanA's Targa Florio Special Build
Long ago and far away, Chris and Dan at Tribute built a 250 Kali convertible, sprayed it white, added some stickers and sold it on eBay.
It's appearance gave the impression that it had just completed the Targa Florio. That's a 450 mile road race in Sicily whose first event pre-dated the Mille Miglia.
I had always wanted to ask Chris to build another and for me to have the cash waiting. Building a 250 never directly appealed to me due to the side profile and the need to add door skins and handles. However, I liked the extended boot.
I'd watched the development of Barber's Z3gato with interest due to its use of the standard Z3 side profile and then the availability of a convertible version.
Time has moved on, retirement beckons and I find myself with a 2.0 Z3 bought just before Christmas 2020. Prices were rising even in winter and I didn't want a £600 banger, rather one with an MOT that I could refurbish piecemeal and still use.
I had it delivered, fixed a few bits and pieces and taxed it. It has a good service history but has been neglected of late until the last owner who had renewed components before moving it on.
I'd seen the 250 front that WCA had converted to fit his Z300S and approached him about selling it. I then asked Chris for a supply and fit price for a Z3gato convertible rear end. I sold my Astra TwinTop Turbo to start the funding.
Then I had an interesting tax coding from HMRC which provided the rest.
I pondered what to call the result- it not being a replica of any particular car. With a Scaglietti-inspired front and a Zagato-inspired rear; how about a ScagZag?
I've settled on Tribute Targa Florio Special. We'll see what the DVLRO make of that.
Progress so far includes resiting the oil cooler loop as close to the electric fan as possible and removing the "ears" of the cooling shroud either side of that.
Then I've replaced the bonnet mounted washer jets with ones mounted on the wiper arms. They each have four jets spraying in an X pattern.
The result is spectacular; just like Waltzing Waters (TM) but without the lights.
I've now checked the inner sills and removed the rust using Bilthamber GE-OX and zinc primer. After that, a top coat of matt black and a dousing with Waxoyl.
A trip down to WCA to swap the front and reconnect the lights has produced Phase 1.
Next step, make a booking with Chris to get the rear end replaced.