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Old 7th October 2014, 16:11
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I'd almost forgotten what working outside in the winter is like, but this morning was a quick reminder.

First job of the day was to remove all the shiny things from the scuttle again.

Before I started on the boot lid, I decided to sort out the rear view mirror screen.

First I took my angle grinder to the cockpit side of the wind break lip.
( I will come back and tidy this up with some filler at a later date. )

Then I made a slightly better template and recycled another "off cut" from my lowered floor pans.

I say "slightly" better as I some how managed to mess up two of the four holes.

So I fixed the holes in the first length of metal before using that as the template for my second attempt.

Since the photo was taken, I have trimmed the top edge on the passenger side so it sits below the lip.

With all the bolts tightened up, the perspex sits at a much nicer angle now.

Especially when compared to the "before" photo.

As with most jobs, this actually too a lot longer than I thought it would.

But I was still able to make a start on the boot access panel.

I marked up the top and bottom edges as these are easy to commit to at this stage.

Then I used a thin cutting disc on both, but did the bottom line as "dashes".

The curves in the body shell make these lines look worse than they are.
I will also be adding some more filler to the passenger hump to "soften" the end of it.

With the body shell turned upside down, you can see there is enough room between the boot lid cuts & the cross bracing I added.

Then I tidied up that cross bracing so I could finish it off.

I just used some short lengths of rope to complete a "squashed" figure of eight.

I also started the re-enforcement of the rear edge of the body shell.

My initial plan was to do another round of fibre glassing on these two areas today, but it started raining.

Getting soaked while putting some covers over the body shell was enough for me to call it a day.

So until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 9th October 2014, 12:09
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Seasonally Adjusted Progress...
The other day I mentioned that I had made a lot of progress with my build over the last six months.

However, I must remember that there is no way the next six months can be as fruitful due to the weather.

The first clue that winter is coming is when I have to sweep the leaves off my "garage" floor.

Then there are days like yesterday where the body shell just sat under a cover as the rain kept returning.

Today I thought I could time a break in the weather to at least make a start on my boot lid rain channel.

So I cut a few strips out of the yoga mat that I bought to use as a mould.

Two strips looks too shallow, but three looked a little deep, but I figured deeper was better.

Then I added some parcel tape to the lid side of the top cut.

Before wrapping tape around the foam leaving the body shell side free.

But before I could start on the bottom edge, the sky looked like this.

I actually needed to move the body shell today before I covered it, so that was that.

I've tucked the body shell into the gap between the house and the rest of the car.

Which will give my wife back her parking space on the drive.

As I am off for the weekend and will not get another chance to play on the car before next week.

I'm returning to the house I helped my friends move into back in July for a "working weekend".

There will be a big group of us with a ton of gardening tools to tackle their back garden / small forest.

As I type this, the rain is absolutely hammering down and the forecast for the weekend isn't great either.

But as this was the only weekend we could all make I guess I'm going to get a bit wet.

So until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 15th October 2014, 13:22
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Nothing To See Here...
I guess I hadn't fully appreciated just what a great run of weather I had been enjoying.

As I face yet another day of rain (or the imminent threat of it), my build has ground to a halt.

However, I did manage to speak to someone in the DVLA today about my V5C change application.
( As I wanted to check all the paperwork had arrived and that everything was in order. )

Unfortunately my named contact was not in, but someone else looked my case up on the system.

By chance a letter was sent out yesterday, which I hope will arrive here tomorrow.

The good news is that it appears that my case for changing the V5C has been accepted.

The bad news is that it appears the changes will not be processed until I have paid the relevant vehicle licence fee.

This is the bit I will have to see and read for myself as unfortunately I can't get any car tax without an MOT.

Clearly loads of other builders have managed to get the V5C sorted out before their cars were on the road.
( I've just gone back to check Mr T's build and there was almost 10 months from his VOSA inspection to MOT. )

So if the person I spoke to has read the letter correctly I will be writing back to the DVLA very quickly.

But keeping my glass half full at the moment, it does look like my suggested new model name is OK.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Other news is that, after a few delays, I finally got my hearing aids fitted yesterday.

So I now I need to build up my hours of wearing them and get used to having something shoved into my ear.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 15th October 2014, 14:01
Scottie22 Scottie22 is offline
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Is it just me, or does one of your hearing aids bear a slight resemblance to a 20 pence piece? Perhaps its just the light :-)
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Old 15th October 2014, 14:03
oxford1360 oxford1360 is offline
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Are they red and blue so that we can tell whether you are coming towards or going away from us?
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Old 15th October 2014, 16:11
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Originally Posted by Scottie22 View Post
Is it just me, or does one of your hearing aids bear a slight resemblance to a 20 pence piece? Perhaps its just the light :-)
No, that's just change out of a grand.
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Old 15th October 2014, 16:29
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Scottie - Well I certainly wouldn't fancy shoving a 20p coin in my ear.

Oxford - Unfortunately they don't light up, or make siren noises, but Red = Right ear.
( And obviously Blue = The Other Ear. )

Mr T - No chance of getting any change if you only hand over one grand.
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Old 15th October 2014, 17:20
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You surely got a full volley there Paul!!
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Old 15th October 2014, 20:06
garyh garyh is offline
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Eh... Speak up, I haven't. charged them up yet! Pardon.
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Old 16th October 2014, 14:47
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Gary - Well I am not at full hearing yet, as the hearing aids are initially set at 80% until I get used to the increase in sound.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A small step...
A week after I cut the strips out of the yoga mat, I finally have them in position and covered in parcel tape.

Two fibre glassing sessions later, and I had covered the last sections of rope along the rear of the body shell.

When that is all set, I will add a final layer along the entire length of this roped section.

I had made a good start on the rain channel along the top edge of the boot lid.

Unfortunately, this was a good start due to the lessons learnt from the poor start I made on the bottom edge.

The good news is I know I can simply tidy up the rough edges when this has set & add more layers over the top.

I am going to have to re-think the way I cut through the humps to form the lid based on the line of this tape.

It dawned on me that on the passenger side I will be cutting through the hump & the rear of the body shell that it sits on.

So I need either side of the raised hump to meet along a straight line across the body shell underneath.

Not sure those words make sense, but it will become clearer when I start cutting (I hope).

However, that was all for today as I needed to leave the fibreglass work to set, before moving the body shell.

Thankfully I had covered it all up again before the rain returned.

So until next time, take care, Paul.

The DVLA letter didn't arrive in today's post.
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Old 17th October 2014, 14:05
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Another small step...
Woke up early this morning, but then felt terrible after breakfast and ended up going back to bed.

Part of me wanted to skip working on the car today and wait until I felt 100% again.

But the other part of me wanted to get something done given the fact was actually dry outside for a change.

So I did a bit more work on the rain channel for my boot access panel.

I started by carefully extending the cut along the top edge across the passenger hump.

This involved a lot of stop/start cutting to ensure I only "clipped" the bottom edges of the hump itself.
( I'll take some photos next time I have the body shell the right way up. )

I cut some more strips out of my yoga mat and taped them into position.

After adding some fibreglass, the top rain channel was coming together nicely.

I also added some matting to the bottom edge rain channel after tidying up the mess I made yesterday.

At some point I need to build a temporary "bridge" across the driver's side hump.

This will allow me to extend the rain channel across the void.

I will also be "sealing" both humps, so the rear body shell will look "complete" running down to the rain channel.

Not a great description I know, but I have a vague idea how this will look / work when I have finished.

Right I'm off for another rest, so until next time, take care, Paul.

Still no sign of the DVLA letter.
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Old 17th October 2014, 16:02
Scottie22 Scottie22 is offline
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Quote: "Still no sign of the DVLA letter."

You're gonna get sick of writing that every time you post before Christmas!!
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Old 17th October 2014, 20:01
garyh garyh is offline
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Could you have marked and cut the boot lid from the front exactly as you want then hold it insitu with pieces of of fibreglass and tech screws the flipped the bodywork over and done the rain chanel in one go?
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Old 17th October 2014, 22:02
Scottie22 Scottie22 is offline
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Paul, it is interesting to see how different people tackle the same problem.

I cut my boot lid out first, then put the rain channel in later using aluminium. I found this was quite straightforward.

I realise yours is a bit more complex, but it may be simpler?
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Old 18th October 2014, 07:08
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Scottie - #1 - Well I was told there was a DVLA letter to me dated 14th Oct. on their system.
So if it hasn't arrived by Monday I will ring them back to see if they can e-mail it to me instead.

Gary - When I fixed the doors to the body shell I had a lot of problems with distortion.
So I hope cross bracing the lid & adding some of the rain channel will prevent this problem when I eventually cut the lid out.

In addition, I am still not 100% sure where to make the final cuts for the lid itself.
It was only after I looked back at this masking tape mock up that I noticed a few issues.

The first is that I want to round the corners to avoid adding stress points.
Which is easy to do at the bottom edge, but a bit trickier at the top edge near the humps.

Also as you will see below, if I'd cut the humps as per the tape, I'd have messed up the section of body shell below the passenger hump.

Scottie - #2 - I really liked the way you made your rain channels.
Unfortunately I don't have any aluminium lying around, so I thought I'd use the fibreglass stuff I did have instead.
But, as with most jobs, this is definitely more complicated than I'd like it to be.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Friday - Part 2
I had to turn the body shell over in order to put it away for the night and cover it before the next round of rain.

So here are the photos I promised of the top edge of the boot access panel.

This is the line extended across the width of the body shell underneath the passenger hump.

Although the cut on the outside edge of the hump went a little higher than I thought it did.

And the cut in between the two humps could have been a bit neater too.

Still, I can tidy up the edges to form nice even gaps when I have finished cutting the lid out.

Depending on the weather forecast, I hope to get a bit more done on this today.

Cheers, Paul.

Last edited by Paul L; 18th October 2014 at 08:31.. Reason: Typo
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Old 18th October 2014, 11:45
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Cue The Banjos...
I should have listened to the warning signs, as the first two times I stepped out of the house to work on the car, it rained on me.

That should have been a big clue to just stay indoors and do something else instead.

But no, I thought it was third time lucky as I stepped outside and it wasn't raining on me.

Although I just unwrapped the area I wanted to work on just to be on the safe side.

I used some string to give me a rough idea of the line required to join the cuts on either side of the passenger hump.

The I used a hand saw to cut through the top of the hump, which I hoped would give me a straight cut.

I didn't want to cut the whole way though at this point, so left the cut a bit short on both sides.

I've also worked out that I need to add a straight "drop" to the cut on the outside edge of the hump like so.
( That way it will line up with the body shell cut underneath. )

Some excess resin had leaked into the top edge of the boot lid cut.

So I tidied that up with my angle grinder.

I also "joined" the dashes that were the start of the cut on the bottom edge of the boot lid.

Note: The angle of the photo makes this line look "wonky", but it is OK in real life.

In some of the photos above you can see where I used the thin cutting disc along the new passenger hump cut.

Unfortunately, I was leaning over the back of the car when doing this work.

So I didn't notice I was tilting the grinder slightly until it was too late and I'd made a bit of a mess here.

Thankfully I should be able to tidy this mess up with some filler when the time comes.

So I turned my attention to the driver's hump and started the cut through the hump.

Unfortunately, this caused the hump & body shell to come apart every so slightly, as this hump is not supported.

Hopefully, this will "straighten out" when I flip the body shell over and re-enforce the inside of the driver's hump.

If not, I will be screwing some bracket into the hump before I start, as per Gary's previous suggestion.

Either way, I will eventually have some sort of "Hillbilly" boot lid that will hopefully work, even if it isn't perfect.

However, at this point it started raining again, so I have packed up as it is clearly not going to be my day.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DVLA Letter
The good news is that it actually arrived today.

The bad news is that are asking for the vehicle to be licensed before the registration process can be completed.

Based on feedback from Sammio/Ribble owners on here and Tribute owners "next door" the system is clearly all over the place.

So I will send off £145 for 12 months tax as a sign of good faith and see what happens.

Although I will be asking very nicely for the registration process to be completed and the car left on SORN.

Obviously I will keep you posted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last time I looked, there was a chance of dry weather tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

Take care, Paul.
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Old 18th October 2014, 12:24
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[QUOTE=Paul L;60575The bad news is that are asking for the vehicle to be licensed before the registration process can be completed.

So I will send off £145 for 12 months tax as a sign of good faith and see what happens.[/QUOTE]

doesnt it need MOT and Insurance to be able to get tax?
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Old 18th October 2014, 13:04
Scottie22 Scottie22 is offline
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Can you imagine the scenario trying to insure it?

What vehicle are you insuring sir?

I'm not sure as DVLA won't tell me until its taxed...........

And I can't do that until you've insured it..........

Well I'm sorry sir but.............
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Old 18th October 2014, 14:10
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RedRatBike & Scottie - Unfortunately, this does have all the makings of a text book, bureaucratic, "Catch 22".

I assume that the reason I wasn't asked to send paperwork for the MOT & insurance is because this is all on line now.

Except that in my case... "Computer says NO!"

So all I can do is re-state my case for a change in V5C and a continuation of SORN then see what happens.
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Old 18th October 2014, 15:07
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I think so Paul, if you send it off to them enough times, chances are sooner or later it will get seen by someone with a modicum of intelligence who may know what to do.
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